Alright, it will be done.Just use as model Ageless ones then consider changing them as much you want. They got minor things like big foot requiring 1MP cost to move at a cave tile to only one in Ageless variant (original needs 3 MP to move a cave tile)... usable because lower arcane weakness, less XP to get to lv2-lv3 and more fair rewards... so just don't use the original stats from BEEM / WOTG because they're terribly underpowered.
Thinking of it I agree, I would gladly see them more on their own without mounts but it's not so for now I will leave their issue and return in furture into these two lines.Also torch guys havev no sprites because I just added the lv2-lv3 version because it's very bad thing that advancement doesn't has a better version of lv1.
Was thinking about adding unicorns but don't want to make too many recruits to not make faction too strong.
Statistics: Posted by holypaladin — Yesterday, 8:48 pm