I've setup a goto micro_ai that spans 3 sides.
Here's the code (in prestart event):I've used something similar (without a
Here the situation is a bit more complicated.
On turn 2/3/4 refresh, new units are added that should be incorporated into the goto ai above.
This seems to work fine for sides 3 and 4 (all units of which have the dapanic ability).
However side 2 units seem to behave "normally", i.e. do not move towards the specified goal but rather move to attack nearby enemies.
These too have the dapanic ability but the side (2) also has several other units (the majority, in fact) without this ability.
I've not finished testing (out of time for now), but added this code after each side's spawn of additional units:Which does this:However it doesn't seem to have made any difference.
So my questions are:
-- Spannerbag
I've setup a goto micro_ai that spans 3 sides.
Here's the code (in prestart event):
[micro_ai] side=2,3,4 [filter] ability=dapanic# Done this way so that any unit can be "un-goto"'d by removing panic object if needed [/filter] ai_type=goto action=add [filter_location] {GH_XY} [/filter_location] remove_movement=no use_straight_line=yes# Quicker than ignore_units# ignore_units=yes [/micro_ai]
) without any problems.Here the situation is a bit more complicated.
On turn 2/3/4 refresh, new units are added that should be incorporated into the goto ai above.
This seems to work fine for sides 3 and 4 (all units of which have the dapanic ability).
However side 2 units seem to behave "normally", i.e. do not move towards the specified goal but rather move to attack nearby enemies.
These too have the dapanic ability but the side (2) also has several other units (the majority, in fact) without this ability.
I've not finished testing (out of time for now), but added this code after each side's spawn of additional units:
[fire_event] name=rebuild_goto [/fire_event]
[event] name=rebuild_goto first_time_only=no [micro_ai] side=2,3,4 [filter] ability=dapanic [/filter] ai_type=goto action=change# =delete then add [filter_location] {GH_XY} [/filter_location] remove_movement=no use_straight_line=yes [/micro_ai] [/event]
So my questions are:
- Am I doing something stupid in the micro ai config?
- Is there any way I can use
- or anything else - to see if a unit is controlled by a micro ai or the default ai?
-- Spannerbag
Statistics: Posted by Spannerbag — Yesterday, 9:55 pm